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Object Oriented Programming

OOP is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which can contain data and code: data in the form of fields, and code, in the form of procedures. A common feature of objects is that procedures are attached to them and can access and modify the object's data fields.


wuttyi uses same style of rust's self. So, you need to pass instance object explicitly.


(class <class_name> (null|parent)
            (func constructor (this <prop_name> ... <prop_name_n>)
                (set (prop this <prop_name>) name)
                    ((prop (super <parent>) constructor) this <prop_name> ... <prop_name_n>))
                    (set (prop this z) z)
            (func <method_name> (this)
                (prop this <prop_name>)
                ((prop (super <parent>) <method>) this)

(var <instance> (new <class_name> <arg1> <arg2> ... <arg_n>))
((prop <instance> <method>) <instance>)


// class

(class Person null
        (func constructor (this name)
            (set (prop this name) name)

        (func getName (this)
            (prop this name)

(var person (new Person "Aung Myat Moe"))
(print ((prop person getName) person))



(class Point null
        (def constructor (this x y)
            (set (prop this x) x)
            (set (prop this y) y)))
        (def calc (this)
          (+ (prop this x) (prop this y)))))
    (var p (new Point 10 20))
    ((prop p calc) p)

     (class Point3D Point

            (def constructor (this x y z)

                ((prop (super Point3D) constructor) this x y)
                (set (prop this z) z)))

            (def calc (this)
              (+ ((prop (super Point3D) calc) this)
                 (prop this z)))))
        (var p (new Point3D 10 20 30))
        (print ((prop p calc) p))

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